12 février 2025

Tobias Böhmelt, « When are peacekeepers ‘‘green?’’ », Environment and Security, 4 janvier 2024.

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Emmanuelle Cousin et Daniel Forti, “How Negotiations on Contingent-Owned Equipment Can Help “Green” UN Peacekeeping”, The Global Observatory, 20 janvier 2023.

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Agathe Sarfati, “Toward an Environmental and Climate-Sensitive Approach to Protection in UN Peacekeeping Operations”, IPI, 17 Octobre 2022.

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Daniel Forti et Emmanuelle Cousin, « Contingent-Owned Equipement and Environmental Considerations in UN Peacekeeping Operations ». IPI, 26 September 2022.

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Marina Caparini, « Organized environmental crime: Why it matters for peace operations», SIPRI, mai 2022.

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Cedric de Coning, Florian Krampe et Jake Sherman, « Emerging Lessons from Implementing the Climate-related Peace and Security Mandates », IPI Global Observatory, avril 2021.

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Jake Sherman, « How Can the Security Council Engage on Climate Change, Peace, and Security?« , IPI, juin 2019.

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Paul Diehl, « Climate Change and Peace Operations », Oxford Research Group, janvier 2019.

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Lucile Maertens et Malkit Shoshan, « Greening Peacekeeping: The Environmental Impact of UN Peace Operations », International Peace Institute, avril 2018.

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